VPItoolkit™ PDK GPIC – New version 2.2!

VPItoolkit PDK GPIC, illustrating the interface between VPIphotonics Design Suite and Siemens EDA L-Edit & S-Edit tools, was updated to support the schematic-driven layout design of photonic ICs.

The workflow can start now with the schematic in S-Edit. The design is then simulated in a photonics test bench using VPIphotonics Design Suite or converted to its layout in L-Edit.

To illustrate this, we added the application example of dual-parallel Mach-Zehnder modulator (DP-MZM) used for four-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM-4).

PAM4 Example


PAM4 Tutorial

We also provide a detailed simulation tutorial for the DP-MZM example to help the users get started.

We added illustrating application examples and a set of templates to simplify the creation of virtual test benches in S-Edit in the new version.

S-Edit Test Benches

Learn more about electronic-photonic co-simulation and layout-driven design workflow here.